AGPS Shortcut Key Map (V 2.x)

Key Function
G Start/stop (G)PS reception
T or 1 (T)rack tab
A or 2 S(a)tellite tab
O or 3 (O)ptions tab
S or 4 (S)etting tab
K Trac(k) on/off
I Plot Tra(i)l
L C(l)ear Trail
N Always o(n) top
+ / - Increase / decrease track factor.
< / > Increase / decrease GPS data refresh rate
PgUp /PgDn Get direction to the previous or next waypoint
Key Function
F5 Turn on/off NMEA capturing. (1.1 and up)
F7 Turn on/off Driving Assistant (1.2 and up)
P Push a (p)in on the current location (1.1 and up). For the mouse operation, click on the compass.
R Calculate (r)oute from current location. For the mouse operation, click on the compass.
Double-click R Turn on/off auto re-calculation during off-track
C Locate the (c)urrent location. For the mouse operation, click on the compass.
Z / X Zoom in / Zoom out the map (v1.5)
[Space] Repeat the voice direction (if TTS voice is activated and driving direction is shown on screen)   (v1.5)
[Enter] Close the driving direction (v1.5)

Note: The shortcut keys will work only when any of the AGPS window is the currently focused window.
Updated 2/1/03