REM Code block for controlling the cameras
set objX10 = Server.CreateObject("X10COMMCTRL.CommAds")
objX10.PortName = "COM1:" REM set to the firecracker port
if Request("Submit") = "A1" then REM turn on Backyard camera (switch A1)
    objX10.On("A1") = true    
elseif Request("Submit") = "A2"  then REM turn on bookroom camera (switch A2)
    objX10.On("A2") = true
elseif Request("Submit") = "A3" then REM turn on kitchen camera (switch A3)
    objX10.On("A3") = true
end if
REM The other camera switches will auto turned off as long as they are in the same house code.
REM But not the case for the regular X10 power or light switches.  You have to set those switches to false
REM or they will remain on.

set objX10 = nothing  
<img src="
<form method=
"POST" action="thispage.asp">
<input type=
"submit" value="A1">Backyard
<input type=
"submit" value="A2">Bookroom
<input type=
"submit" value="A3">Kitchen